Single Dashboard For all your Unified Customer Experience needs

Experience the ease of managing all touchpoints with customers under one unified platform

Let's Get Started
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Online Response Management
  • Ticketing Automation: Automate ticket creation and categorization for streamlined handling.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: Unify customer interactions from various channels into a single dashboard.
  • Review Management: Collect and manage customer reviews from multiple review sites.
  • Efficient Routing: Automatically assign tickets and implement escalation rules for prompt resolution.
  • Performance Analytics: Track key metrics, analyze trends, and generate custom reports for continuous improvement.
  • Customer Feedback Integration: Collect feedback through surveys, analyze responses, and enhance service quality accordingly.

Social Listening

  • Keyword Tracking: Monitor brand-related keywords and mentions on various platforms.
  • Multi-Platform Monitoring: Track conversations across social media, forums, blogs, and news sites.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Analyze online sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) for brand perception.
  • Competitor Analysis: Monitor competitors' online presence and sentiments for strategic insights.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Receive instant updates and alerts to respond quickly to trends or issues.
  • Influencer Identification: Identify and engage with influencers to enhance brand reach and reputation
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Social media management platform

  • Content Scheduling: Schedule posts across platforms for consistent content distribution.
  • Multi-Platform Integration: Publish seamlessly on various social media platforms from a centralized dashboard.
  • Visual Content Support: Upload and schedule diverse media types for enhanced engagement.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Track post metrics to gain insights and refine content strategies.
  • Audience Targeting: Target specific audience segments for tailored content delivery.

Command Centre

  • Multi-Channel Integration: Centralize customer interactions from various channels for a unified view.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor and respond to customer inquiries in real-time.
  • 360-Degree Customer View: Consolidate customer data for personalized and efficient interactions.
  • Unified Inbox: Integrate messages from different channels into a single, organized inbox.
  • Customer Feedback Analysis: Collect and analyze feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Automation and Scalability: Implement automation, self-service, and scale the system for evolving needs.
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Chatbot AI Automate your Responses to every chat interaction

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Understand and respond to users in natural language.

  • Multi-Channel Integration: Deploy chatbots across various channels for widespread accessibility.

  • Task Automation: Automate tasks based on user requests, reducing manual efforts.

  • Personalization and Context: Customize responses and maintain context for a personalized experience.

  • Integration with Systems: Connect with backend systems and databases for real-time information.

  • Analytics and Learning: Track interactions, learn from user behavior, and continuously improve performance.

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Intergrated with 100+ Widely Used Software

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consolidate customer data from various touchpoints, enhance customer engagement & relationship management



Streamline order processing & management, personalized interactions based on customer purchase history.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Include chat, video conferencing, & document sharing, seamless communication, instant messaging, video calls, & problem-solving


Your Unified Customer Engagement Manager

Online reponse Management. AI Chatbot. Social Listening & Analytics. Social Media Publishing. Command Centre. Crisis Management. Complete Omnichannel Solution. Social CRM. All in one



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